Benefits (continued)
Limit duplicate autograph requests and signing of custom items
Using AutographPLS, you'll be signing the same item repeatedly, while limiting the signing of any custom items - a proven favorite among profiteers. Our system also limits duplicate autographs, if desired. Contact us for a complimentary sample pack.
Answer repeated questions
Do you find yourself answering the same questions repeatedly from fans? Does answering those questions disrupt your day or rob you of time? Fans mean well and may not realize the cumulative effects of repeated questioning. Easily answer an unlimited number of questions and instantly move on with your day. Exclusively from AutographPLS.
Boost your brands value
Boost your brands value™ through gratis signing and consistent fan friendly interfacing. Using AutographPLS, not only will you be signing (and providing a picture) for fans you'll be treating each person fairly and with respect. Everyone receives the same polite message, and signed collectible-without exception. There's no fairer, more polite approach in dealing with the public.
Control autograph and selfie seekers at the flick of a wrist
This could be the solution you've been waiting for!   Decline autograph, selfie or conversation requests, repeatedly and respectfully. While we recommend a "thank you" with a smile, it's certainly not required. Either way, you've established sufficient consideration to instantly move on with your day. Click here to request a complimentary sample pack.
Handle rude, disrespectful, or inconsiderate fans with ease
Have you seen a recurring pattern amongst a certain group of folks? Are you anticipating a particular behavior? AutographPLS is an outstanding solution to these unique set of challenges - distribute a voucher and instantly move on with your day. Using AutographPLS, you've been completely respectful, while simultaneously providing an authentic autograph and picture.
Reward true fans with authenticity
Genuine Autographs for Genuine Fans.® Provide fans with a genuine gratis autograph which, if desired, cannot be sold. No secretary signatures. No prints or stamps. Whether you sign in-person, or through your website, you'll reward fans with genuine and absolute authenticity.
Make public spaces more predictable and enjoyable
You may not be able to predict every fan that approaches, but you'll know how to effectively handle most of them. With AutographPLS, public spaces become more consistent, relaxed, and enjoyable. Guaranteed.
Minimize interruptions, save time, increase convenience, increase control
With AutographPLS, you'll increase control over inefficient fan processes such as signing autographs, taking pictures, and speaking with fans. Controlling these processes allows you to control the time expended on them.
Eliminate the need to always be camera ready
If you so choose, respectfully decline selfie requests repeatedly-without fail. In consideration, fans receive an authentic autograph and a picture. It's another win/win exclusively from AutographPLS. Contact us for a complimentary sample pack.